Tips,Tools & Resources

The SNIP Inclusion Standards

The Special Needs Inclusion Project Inclusion Standards were developed in consultation with Department of Children, Youth and their Families (DCYF) to provide guidelines to assist agencies in more effectively including children and youth with disabilities into their programs and activities. Each standard is accompanied by indicators that measure an agency’s ability to meet that standard.  Click here to read the Special Needs Inclusion Standards.

DCYF adopted minimum inclusion standards as a part of the Out of School Time and Early Childhood Standards. The Minimum Standards are those with which all agencies should comply in order to meet the basic requirements to serve children and youth with disabilities.  SNIP provides training and technical assistance for San Francisco after school programs to help them meet the DCYF OST standards.

The SNIP Inclusion Tool Kit

The SNIP Inclusion Tool Kit was developed by the SNIP Interagency Council as a resource for agencies who are striving to more effectively include children and youth with disabilities into their programs. The tool kit is divided into sections corresponding to the Inclusion Standards to make it easier to find the specific resources you need to move toward a truly inclusive program. Inclusion Tool Kit (pdf)

 Inclusive Practices Tip Sheets

We are thrilled to announce that the first ten of our new Inclusive Practices Tip Sheets are here! We would like to thank the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust for providing the funding for this exciting project. Use these quick-read Tip Sheets, that contain clear concise information about inclusive practices, in your Out-of-School Time programs to build the confidence and capacity of your program staff to provide inclusive programming for all students who come through your doors.

Snippets Newsletter Articles

Snippets are short articles on topics of interest to Out of School Time staff. Feel free to download and copy or share via email with your colleagues.

Strategy Specific Workshop Tool Kits

SNIP Training Tool Kits provide additional information on strategies and practices that support inclusive environments.

San Francisco Curriculum Planning Resources and Summer Field Trip List

This guide was developed by the SFELC Summer Learning Workgroup to provide a list of local resources that can enhance Summer Learning efforts. Our goal in creating this resource was to support San Francisco’s summer program providers of school-age youth with a tool to help develop curriculum based on a wide variety of subjects and embrace our city as a classroom with incredible learning opportunities through field trips and expeditions. This work was also done in effort to support the State-wide Summer Matters Campaign and National Summer Learning Association with outreach and advocacy about the importance of summer learning. This document was developed for you with heart and passion from current summer providers to support your program in making summer learning enriching and exciting, and decrease summer learning loss for youth in San Francisco.

Support for Families strives to present families and professionals with a wide range of views and options in its materials and trainings. The materials and trainings are not necessarily comprehensive, are not meant to be exhaustive, nor are they an endorsement of the author and/or presenter. If you would like to offer feedback or if you know of additional resources, speakers and/or materials that may be helpful, please contact us at

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