The Special Needs Inclusion Project (SNIP) provides free training for programs funded by the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and their Families (DCYF) on inclusion and disability-related topics. We offer 8 workshops per year for citywide programs and can customize training for your sites. Each workshop description refers to specific SF AFA Core Competencies. These are the San Francisco After School for All Core Competencies for line staff and supervisors which were adopted by the AFA Council in 2010, which can be found here.
2018/2019 Workshop Descriptions
Dates and times are subject to change
Everyone is Welcome: Creating Inclusive Out of School Time (OST) Programs
Description: This workshop is designed to introduce a definition, philosophy and vision for the inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in Out of School Time (OST) programs. In addition participant will learn new strategies to improve inclusive experiences and be given tools and criteria to help identify successful inclusive strategies.
Audience: OST line staff and staff supervisors.
Date & Time: Friday September 21, 2018 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Repeated on March 8, 2019
The Power of Positive Messages: Helping Children and Youth Develop Positive Behavior
Description: Building positive relationships in your after school programs is one of the most effect strategies you can use to improve everyone’s experience – staff, kids and parents. This workshop will start you in the right direction. First, we’ll look at how to “reframe” behavior and think about the strengths children and youth have, rather than what pops out as what is “wrong.” Then, we’ll explore and practice some easy strategies you can use throughout your program when giving directions, redirecting behavior and just plain talking with kids.
Audience: OST line staff and staff supervisors.
Date & Time: Friday October 19, 2018 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Repeated on April 12, 2019
I See What You Are Saying: Using Visual Strategies to Promote Children’s Independence, Participation and Understanding
Description: Do you use lists to help you stay organized or a calendar to help you remember appointments? These are some examples of visual strategies that help us with our daily routines. Many people are visual learners, yet a great deal of our communication with children is done verbally. This workshop will explore various types and uses of visual strategies to help all children understand daily routines and take part in activities more independently.
Audience: OST line staff and staff supervisors.
Date & Time: Friday April 26, 2019 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Let’s Play: Activities to Strengthening Peer Relationships
Description: Out of school time programs are a fantastic opportunity for all participants to make friends! In this workshop we will explore ways to support children to develop positive peer relationships in your program. We will share activities that build social skills and awareness, strengthen peer relationships, and strategies for embedding these activities throughout your day.
Audience: OST line staff and site supervisors for programs serving children K – 6th grades.
Date & Time: Friday November 16, 2018 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Universal Design for Leaning: Creating Environments Where Everyone Belongs
Description: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach that supports the diversity of children in Out of School Time (OST) settings to access, engage, participate, and express themselves in all learning opportunities. Participants of this workshop will explore the idea of belonging as a key element of inclusion and learn, practice and apply the concepts of UDL to ensure programs are able to meet the diverse needs of children and youth in their programs.
Audience: OST line staff and staff supervisors.
Date & Time: Friday December 7, 2018 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Repeated on Monday May 13, 2019
Teaming with Families to Support Children
Description: This workshop is designed to explore and reflect on the partnerships between families and Out of School Time (OST) providers. Participants will have the opportunity to develop strategies for building and strengthening partnerships with families of children and youth with disabilities.
Audience: OST line staff and staff supervisors.
Date & Time: Friday January 11, 2019 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Repeated on May 24, 2019
Opening Doors:
All children are welcome in your program, right? But there are probably kids who struggle to fit in and you wonder how best to include them. Through fun activities and thoughtful reflection, you will:
1) learn basic information about the legal requirements for providing reasonable accommodations,
2) look at some practical steps to take to enroll and include children/youth with disabilities in your program,
3) learn more about the information and resources available to support YOU in creating an inclusive afterschool program.
Audience: OST site supervisors and program directors
Date & Time: Friday February 1, 2019 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Custom Designed Workshops
We have a number of trainings available on inclusion and disability-related topics. If you would like to combine workshops or topics from the list, or create a customized course from the offerings listed, let us know! We can tailor your training to meet the needs of your program. Topics include:
- Task analysis and modifying activities
- Using a strength-based approach to support children’s behavior
- Tips and tools: Visuals supports for children with autism and other disabilities
- Supporting friendships in after school programs
- Learning about autism, learning disabilities or ADHD or other specific disabilities
What trainings are available?
We have a number of trainings available on inclusion and disability-related topics. All are listed above. If you would like to combine workshops or topics from the list, or custom make a course from the offerings you see there, let us know! We can tailor your training to meet the needs of your program.
How long is each workshop?
SNIP trainers are very flexible. We can provide training for as little as an hour, we can provide several hours of training, or we can conduct all-day workshops. We can also create a training series to take place over weeks or months. We’re willing to work within whatever time frame you have available.
What is the cost?
All trainings are free to San Francisco After School Programs funded by DCYF.
Where are the training’s located?
We can provide the training at our site or yours. Our training room can accommodate approximately 40 people.
What is the audience size?
We are equipped to present to groups of all sizes. Our trainers are happy to work with a small number of staff or a large group. We can conduct large “formal” trainings or attend staff meetings. Because our workshops are interactive, we require at least 10 participants for workshops at your program site.
How do I sign up?
To arrange free training or request further information, contact us at 415.282.7494 ext 105 (Alison Stewart).